Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our new Clothesliner!

Last weekend we hung a clothesliner (my childhood term) in our front yard.  

We're really happy that we found a location that gets lots of sunshine and is mostly 
out from under the trees (we have a lot of trees so that wasn't easy!). 

We found all the parts we needed at our local hardware store and only spent 
about $25 for the whole kit and caboodle (even the clothespins!).

It goes from one tree, to our house, and its completely out of 
the way of our (and our neighbors) entry and walkway.

Of course Napali kept watch the entire time :)

And supervised as the first load of wash was hung to dry.

We're really happy with how it turned out.  

And our first load of wash dried in about 35-40 minutes, 
much faster than if I had put it in our dryer!

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