Monday, June 4, 2012

Is it really June?!

Have we really been in California for 5 months!!?!?!?!?  

We have been super busy these past few weeks and in the meantime our garden has been growing out of control. Well, not exactly out of control, we're pretty excited about how much it's grown in, but it's grown in so quickly.  

Yesterday evening (after the days heat had dissipated a little bit) we spent a couple of hours hanging out outside and tending to our small container garden.  While originally we were a tad bit disappointed that we wouldn't be able to plant a large garden in the ground, now we're singing praises of our more modestly sized container garden.
It is flourishing!

The patterning on the sage leaves gets me every time. 
It is an absolutely beautiful detail of these delicious plants.

Tomatoes are my favorite garden treat! 

These bush beans are really fun. They have me captivated every morning when their leaves rotate vertically to let the sun shine in the beans, and then again every evening when they rotate horizontally, creating a roof to keep the beans warm at night. Mother Nature is so amazing in her ways. 

The hot peppers are flowering and we can't wait to see them bearing fruit!

We also picked up this little pepper at the Walnut Creek Farmer's Market last weekend. 
We hope he likes his new home :) 

Here's a fun one of the tomato blossoms. 

She could be flying, right? Tomato blossom fairy!

Okay, maybe not...but I'm having fun, so just go with it :)

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