Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Keeping Cosmetics Simple

 Since I was a teenager, I have no doubt spent thousands of dollars on beauty products, specialty skin treatments, and hair products. While I'm not quite ready to give up my not so natural highlights, I've been trying to slim down my cosmetics and simplify my beauty routine. It started a couple of months ago when I was once again searching for just the right product to smooth my skin, get rid of my acne, and protect me from the sun. It's not any easy combination and after sooo many skin creams and potions, I didn't want to spend a lot of money, again...

So I started doing some research online and came across several articles discussing Apple Cider Vinegar as a facial toner.
What?! Apple Cider Vinegar?! Like the one I keep in the kitchen pantry?! next to the olive oil?!?!? I was totally baffled that this simple kitchen staple could be the secret to clear skin, but after a little more research I decided I was willing to give it a try. If it sucked, at least it was free, right?

So I mixed up 1 part ACV and 3 parts filtered water. For the next week, every night I religiously smoothed this magical mixture on my face. Sure, I smelled like a salad, but my face felt refreshed, clean, and smooth. My acne also seemed a little bit better, too.

Feeling confident about my new found mixture, over the next few weeks I tried out a few different combinations. I tried stronger and weaker mixtures, only to come back to my original ratio of 1 part ACV to 3 parts filtered water.  This seems to be the best ratio for my skin.  Stronger was more drying, and weaker didn't seem effective. Next I tried mixing it with Green Tea, because although I liked the results I was getting from the ACV, the smell was just too overwhelming.  But the Green Tea didn't really effect the smell of the ACV and it also dried out my skin (which may be helpful if your skin is more oily than mine), so I decided to look for another way to give this great toner a more friendly scent.  After some more poking around online, I came across an article about essential oils. Now, I am very picky when it comes to essential oils. Although I love the idea of them, there are so many that I just can't stand the smell of.  Except one; rosewood oil.  I use rosewood oil in the all purpose cleaning spray I make and it just smells delicious. Come to find out, it is also very good for your skin. So I decided to give this ACV toner thing one last shot. I mixed a new batch, using 1 part ACV, 3 parts filtered water, and 5 drops of rosewood essential oil.

And..... it was perfect!!! It smells beautiful and my skin loves the combination of the ACV and the rosewood oil.  I've been using it for a few months now and my acne is almost completely gone and my skin feels clean and smooth.

During my experimentation with ACV I have also been reading a lot about beauty products. While I still don't completely understand all of the "ingredients" that go into making a bottle of lotion, or shampoo, or mouthwash, I have come to the conclusion that, just like the food I eat, simpler is better when it comes to my beauty routine.

I am big on moisturizing and sun protection. I truly believe that keeping your skin (and lips!) well moisturized and protected will keep you looking young (and reduce your risk of skin cancer) for years to come.  When possible, I have been trying to purchase products containing no additional synthetic dyes or fragrances, phthalates, harsh sulfates or parabans.

Here are a few of my current favorite finds in no particular order.
** this is not a paid advertisement for any of these products, I just like them and wanted to share :)

I am absolutely in love with this sunscreen. Mainly because it is not at all like sunscreen. It's really more of a gel actually and it glides on so easily, has no scent, and sinks in quickly.  My favorite part is that it only contains one sun-blocking ingredient, Zinc Oxide, which, so far, my sensitive skin loves.

This lip balm is one of the few items I purchase with a fragrance in it. 
It smells so yummy and the SPF doesn't hurt :)

I keep this next to my bed and use it at night (when I don't need the SPF). 
It keeps my lips soft and smooth.

I keep these around for the nights when I'm tired and want to wash up quickly. 
I also keep a travel size pack in my purse for the really hot and sweaty days at the playground :)

      Everyday Shea                                                      Avalon Organics 
                   Moisturizing Body Wash                            Hand & Body Lotion Aloe Unscented


                This super gentle, moisturizing body                   This lotion is good for everything...
                 wash gets super sudsy without any                              feet, hands and body.  
                     harsh chemicals or additives.                           It's gentle enough for sensitive skin                                        
                                                                            and sinks super quick.

We have also switched over to a fluoride free toothpaste after Tom read several articles suggesting that fluoride isn't really necessary.  We're testing it out, so I'll be sure to post an update if we change our minds, but for now, it's working out great.  We have also both switched to deoderant (instead of antiperspirant). It took us a few weeks to adjust to, but now that we (and our bodies) are used to it, we're really liking it.  

All of these changes are very simply an attempt to eliminate any unnecessary ingredients/additives in our medicine cabinet (and our bodies).  I'm still pulled in by the latest beauty products (just like I've always been) but when I look in the mirror and see that my skin is clear, healthy and glowing, it's an easy choice to continue with my new routine.  I also feel much more relaxed and happy since I no longer have to write down the order in which I am supposed to apply my numerous prescriptions from the dermatologist.  It's a major shift in thinking about how I treat my skin, and my acne especially, but so far, it's been a positive one.

And there are a lot of great products to get excited about too! :)

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