Thursday, October 25, 2012

Autumn in New England

 It's amazing how quickly time goes by. At this time last year, we were making plans for our big move to the west coast. We were packing boxes, sorting through belongings, and saying goodbye to family and friends. We were ready to say goodbye to New England, winter and all, and hello to the sunny beaches of California. On New Years Day 2012, we packed our pickup truck and started driving west.

We were ready for an adventure.

And oh boy, did we have an awesome adventure.  We drove through states we had never seen before. We visited family in Texas, saw the Grand Canyon, spent a couple of days hiking in Sedona, and met good friends on the beach in Santa Monica.  We took our time and really, truly, enjoyed the ride. 

And for 7 months, we lived in Northern California.  I don't know quite how to explain it, we just wanted to try it out.  We met some very nice people, some very interesting people. We spent a wonderful weekend in Napa, and took some amazing hikes through the Diablo Valley Foothills near our house.  We went to lots and lots and lots of farmer's markets, and ate the best tasting kiwis and mangoes we've ever had.  We put together a small garden, and ate fresh lettuce as early as April.  Our dog, Napali, even befriended a very sweet, gray cat who lived next door. 

 It felt like a dream to be in California. We had talked about it and planned our move for such a long time.  It was hard to believe we were actually there.  We had space and time to be just the three of us. We took long walks and had long talks and late night candle lit dinners. It was beautiful.

But it was missing our families, and our friends.  It was missing that feeling of home. And the truth is, it just wasn't a good fit for us. So on July 28, 2012, once again, we sorted through our belongings, packed up boxes, and our pickup truck, and planned our move back to Massachusetts.  

Only this time, we went camping :)  Driving a different route through Nevada, Wyoming, Nebraska etc. We stopped along the way and set up our little tent at remote campsites in some of the most incredible landscapes I have ever seen.  And when we arrived home again, it was the best feeling ever. It was right. And we were happy. 

I can hardly believe we have been home for almost 3 months now. We have been so busy since we got back. But the friendly reminder of the passing time is all around us.  And as the leaves change color, and fall slowly to the ground, I am looking forward to the first dusting of snow.  Because the truth is, without the seasons, I feel a little lost. I look forward to the changing landscapes, and my palate does, too :)

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