Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Container Garden Update

Our little container garden is doing quite well so far and we've already enjoyed some very tasty salad greens. We're also finding that this little container garden is very manageable and we like that we can keep a close eye on all the plants in just a few minutes each day.

Red & Green Oak Leaf Lettuce

Bush Beans

Early Girl Tomatoes

Basil Genovese

Long Slim Cayenne Peppers 
& Pepper DeArbol Hot Peppers 
(first and third plants on the right)

Hot & Spicy Oregano

                                              Rosemary                                   English Thyme

Golden Leaf Sage

1 comment:

  1. Look at this! Just marvelous! :) It's a good thing my gramps is a fabulous gardener and shares the wealth with me... ;)
