Tuesday, April 10, 2012

San Francisco Orchid Exposition

I've always wanted to go to a flower show, so when we were driving through San Francisco recently and saw banners for this years Orchid show, I jumped at the chance to go.

The San Francisco Orchid Society's Pacific Orchid Exposition was held at the Fort Mason Center. Although it was a slightly overcast day, it was bright and beautiful inside. There were even a few flowers in the parking lot to welcome me as I walked towards the show!

The theme of this years exposition was "A Salute to the Golden Gate" in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge. There were many displays paying tribute to the theme and it was a lot of fun walking around seeing them all. Here are just a few of the beautiful displays.

Of course the flowers were ALL absolutely gorgeous. I only wish I knew all of their names!

And I couldn't leave without one, so this little guy came home with me :)

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