Friday, April 13, 2012

Looking Back....Our First Home

After making our big move cross country this January (from MA to CA) and getting rid of A LOT of our stuff, I've been enjoying looking back at our old place. Finding our first apartment together couldn't have been easier. We saw it online one night, viewed it the next day, and signed the paperwork that afternoon. It. really. was. amazing. I loved that apartment with its warm wood floors and gray painted walls. It held me like a big hug the first time I walked in and I knew right away it would be our first home. Tom took a little convincing, but not much ;)

All in all, it was pretty simple, one bedroom/one bathroom on the second floor of an old old house. It had a big backyard, was on a nice neighborhood street and we couldn't have asked for better neighbors. Truly, they were incredible.

I'm really missing that apartment, especially since our new place is pretty empty at the moment. But I'm also enjoying looking back at it for inspiration, and I keep telling myself that good things take time. After all, we were there for close to 2 years and I was still moving things around on a daily basis.

So here it is, our first home :)

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