Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Golden Gate Bridge Bike Ride

It's been a very busy month for us here in California. We've spent a lot of time reflecting on our move to the west coast (which we made just this past January) and thinking about our future. As it turns out...we really miss all the great people we left behind on the east coast, and we don't want to see them once or twice a year, we want to see them all the time!  Soooo we're packing up and getting ready for our second cross-country trip this year...back to the east coast.

Since we made our decision earlier this month, it has been crazy town at our house, packing and making arrangements to move home.  We're also trying to say goodbye to California and fit in a few last outings before we leave. So this past Sunday we headed into San Francisco one last time and biked the Golden Gate Bridge. It was awesome. and windy. and cold. and refreshing. It was the perfect foggy day in San Francisco and I'm so happy that we had the chance to visit one more time.

Here's to the Golden State. We'll miss your sunny rays :)

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